Collaboration with Shambhala

I'm pleased to announce that I'll be collaborating with the Shambhala Center of Baltimore in the months to come. I'll be providing restorative yoga during the 'Care for the Caregiver' portion of the weekend long 'Conscious Dying: Planning for Impermanence' workshop. Join us! Also, save the date for a Self-care Workshop just in time for Spring, and a Resiliency Workshop on Mother's Day. More information can be found, here.

2016 Buddhist Contemplative Care Symposium

Amy was awarded a scholarship to attend the 2016 Buddhist Contemplative Care Symposium; AWAKE AT THE BEDSIDE: RADICAL COMPASSION IN PALLIATIVE AND END-OF-LIFE CARE. This event is a collaboration between the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care & The Garrison Institute, to occur from November 3rd to November 6th, 2016 at the Garrison Institute in Garrison, NY. The symposium will include a special performance of ‘Extreme Measures’ by Eve Ensler, performed by James Lecesne with a live ‘talk back’ session afterwards. More information can be found here

When I became a yoga teacher...

I regularly sit on the yoga mat at the front of the studio watching over a room full of people in corpse pose.

After all the beautiful work they do with the asana portion of class, I ask them to place one hand on their heart center, and to accept themselves unconditionally. I hold the space for this difficult work.

What does that mean? What did it take to get me to this yoga mat in the front of the room? The short answer is that my mom died, and as best I could, I helped her to do so. Of course there is a much longer answer...

Continue reading "A Beginning at Every End: The Year I Watched My Mother Die" on Elephant Journal, here.